Category Archives: Books

A Year of Classics 2024: Book XXIV: The Odyssey

Book XXIV: Of all the epics I have read, The Odyssey is my favorite. Even if you have trouble with long bouts of poetry, it’s just so plainly accessible. The story is simple, easy to follow, and just plain adventurous. … Continue reading

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A Year of Classics 2024: Book XXIII: Beowulf

Book XXIII: It was convenient that I did a month of Tolkien earlier in the year and had a copy of his translation of Beowulf handy for Epic Summer. Normally, I would waste no time talking about specific translations or … Continue reading

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A Year of Classics 2024: Book XXII: Nineteen Eighty-Four

Book XXII: Nineteen Eighty-Four Now we come to another book this year that is not new to me. Nineteen Eighty-Four was my first dystopian novel and all else have simply been chasing in its shadow. It goes without saying that … Continue reading

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A Year of Classics 2024: Book XXI: Dune Messiah

First permit me to beg pardon on the lateness of this review. I am behind on writing, if not reading. I hope to remedy this with both remaining Sci-Fi Month reviews still posted within May as promised. I am already … Continue reading

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A Year of Classics 2024: Book XX: Ender’s Game

Book XX: Ender’s Game It’s rare for a book that is well set up and manages to actually surprise me. Being familiar with the inner workings of fair-play with the audience and general rules of narrative fiction sometimes makes it … Continue reading

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